LHWP Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Development of an Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy

4D Climate Solutions is undertaking a significant assignment focused on vulnerability assessment and the development of an adaptation and mitigation strategy.

The project specifically targets the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) Phase I and Phase II. The study encompasses three essential elements of potential climate change impact, addressing its effects on LHWP infrastructure assets, vulnerable communities, and the environment within the LHWP catchment area.

The assignment’s detailed tasks include conducting a comprehensive Baseline Study to establish a clear understanding of the existing conditions and climate-related challenges in the LHWP region. A Vulnerability Assessment will be carried out to identify the areas and communities most at risk from climate change impacts. Building on this assessment, 4D will develop both an Adaptation Strategy and a Mitigation Strategy, outlining specific and prioritized activities aimed at enhancing climate resilience and reducing adverse impacts.

Moreover, 4D will formulate a comprehensive Climate Change Response Strategy, which will guide actions and interventions for effective climate change adaptation and mitigation measures within the LHWP region. As a critical component of the project, 4D will engage in extensive consultation with stakeholders, fostering collaboration and ensuring that the strategies developed align with the needs and priorities of all relevant parties.